x86 Assembly: Return the CPU Speed Using RDTSC Instruction
Find the processor frequency in Hertz using the RDTSC assembly instruction.
This code will return the base processor speed in simple Hertz (Hz). Divide it to convert to MHz and GHz. Notice that it requires the C Runtime Library for the function time()
TITLE 'extern "C" unsigned long long cpu_speed();'
.model FLAT
extern _time:PROC
PUBLIC _cpu_speed
_cpu_speed PROC NEAR
push ebx
push edi
push esi
push 0
call _time ; call the C Runtime function time() which is accurate to the second
add esp, 4
mov ebx, eax
push 0
call _time
add esp, 4
cmp ebx, eax
je loop1
rdtsc ; this will return the number of CPU ticks in EDX:EAX since the processor was reset
mov edi, eax ; save EAX for later
mov esi, edx ; save EDX for later
push 0
call _time
add esp, 4
mov ebx, eax
push 0
call _time
add esp, 4
cmp ebx, eax
je loop2
rdtsc ; again, returns the number of CPU ticks in EDX:EAX since the processor was reset
sub eax, edi ; subtract the most recent CPU ticks from the original CPU ticks
sbb edx, esi ; now, subtract with borrow
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
ret 0 ; the unsigned long long will return in EAX and EDX
_cpu_speed ENDP
The driver code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" unsigned long long cpu_speed();
int main()
unsigned long long Hz = cpu_speed();
cout << Hz << "Hz" << endl;
cout << (Hz / 1000000.0) << "MHz" << endl;
cout << (Hz / 1000000000.0) << "GHz" << endl;
return 0;
The output from the above driver code:
3712015868Hz 3712.02MHz 3.71202GHz