JavaScript: About
The story of JavaScript.
JavaScript: Add Line Numbers to Preformatted Text
Automatically add line numbers to the HTML PRE element.
JavaScript: AJAX Library
A simple AJAX library for FormData and REST API.
JavaScript: AJAX Library for React
A simple AJAX library compatible with React.
JavaScript: AJAX Tutorial
A quick guide to Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX).
JavaScript: Analog Clock
Scalable analog clock made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript - no images required.
JavaScript: Animate-on-Scroll
Apply a CSS class to an element when it is scrolled into view to cause it to animate.
JavaScript: Auto-hide Text Sections That Are Too Long
Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to better format a page by hiding large sections of text with a fade to a "read more" link that the user can choose to expand the text with. This is often used on user submitted comments.
JavaScript: Browser Window Utility
Find the true browser window size even if it has a scrollbar displayed.
JavaScript: Browser/Client Detection
Detect the browser and client that the end user is using.
JavaScript: Check for Mobile Device
How to determine if the browser is on a mobile device like Apple iPhone, Apple iPod, Google Android or Apple iPad including the iPad Pro with iPadOS version 15.x and 16.x or later.
JavaScript: Classes
Several ways to create classes.
JavaScript: Contact Form Creation Example
How to create a contact form using JavaScript createElement and appendChild procedures.
JavaScript: Cookie Utility
A utility to create, access and delete cookies from the browser.
JavaScript: Copy Text to Clipboard
How to copy text to the clipboard with Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
JavaScript: Determine HTML Element Position
Determine where an HTML object is on the screen.
JavaScript: Determine If an Element Has a Class
Determine if an HTML element has a class assigned to it.
JavaScript: Download Images with Progress Indicator Bar
How to download images to the browser while showing the user a percent completion of the download while they wait.
JavaScript: ES5 Array Methods
All the EcmaScript 5 Array Method Functions.
JavaScript: Event Utility
A utility for handling events in the browser.
JavaScript: How to Create WordPress Slugs
Create slugs with only standard characters for use in a URL or other purpose.
JavaScript: Is a Number a Power of Two (2)
How to check or determine if a number has a base of 2 without using modulo operations for maximum performance.
JavaScript: Lazy Load Images
Lazy load images; also works to know if an element has scrolled into view.
JavaScript: LERP - Linear Interpolation Function
A useful function for easing the transition between two values over time (examples included).
JavaScript: Make a Scroll Tracker for a Website
Use JavaScript, CSS and HTML to make a bar move across the screen of a website page to show the user where they are scrolled to.
JavaScript: Parallax Effect
Shift on x-axis and y-axis (horizontal and vertical) parallax effect library.
JavaScript: Parse Internet Links in Plain Text Using Regular Expressions
Use Regex to parse Internet links in plain text and convert to HTML anchor elements.
JavaScript: Play a Pop Sound in a Web Browser
How to play a pop sound in an Internet browser.
JavaScript: Position HTML Element
Position a Speech Bubble (DIV Element) with object.getBoundingClientRect().
JavaScript: React without JSX
Learn React without using the large JSX framework.
JavaScript: Remove SCRIPT Elements from HTML Using Regular Expressions
Use regular expressions to remove SCRIPT elements from HTML text.
JavaScript: REST API Tutorial
Understand how the REST API works with examples.
JavaScript: Reveal and Hide Password in HTML Textbox
Show or hide the password in HTML textboxes.
JavaScript: Slide-on-Scroll
Add a sliding effect to the page as it is scrolled.
JavaScript: Stop Developer Tools and the Inspect Element Option
How to disable F12 and Ctrl+Shift+I for developer tools and the inspect element context menu option on all browsers.
JavaScript: Tips and Tricks
Useful tips and tricks for the budding JavaScript programmer.
JavaScript: URI/URL Parser
Parse a URI/URL location; separate the parameters, hashtag; automatically generate arrays for multiple valued parameters.
JavaScript: Use FileReader to Read the Contents of Files
How to use the FileReader to access file contents in an Internet web browser.
JavaScript: Validate Credit Card Number Using Regular Expressions and Luhn Check
Use the Luhn Check to validate credit card numbers.
JavaScript: Validate Email Address Using Regular Expressions
How to validate email addresses by checking their format using client-side code.
JavaScript: Whole Website Example
An idea for a whole website using mostly HTML/CSS with just a little JavaScript.