x86 Assembly: Hello Windows Example
Example Windows Program.
This simple example keeps looping until the user cancels it. Download the assembly source code:
TITLE Hello Windows
.model flat,stdcall
.stack 8192
ExitProcess PROTO, dwExitCode:DWORD
MessageBoxA PROTO, hwnd:DWORD, lpText:PTR BYTE, lpCaption:PTR BYTE, uiStyle:DWORD
hello BYTE "Hello Windows!",0
WinMain PROC
mov ebx, 40h ; 64 is the information icon
or ebx, 1h ; 1 is the OK/Cancel buttons
pushd ebx ; uiStyle
mov ebx, offset hello
pushd ebx ; lpCaption
pushd ebx ; lpText
pushd 0 ; hwnd
call MessageBoxA
cmp eax, 1h ; 1 is the OK button being pressed; compare eax to 1
je msgbox ; if eax equals 1, jump to msgbox:
pushd 0
call ExitProcess
WinMain ENDP
END WinMain