FILEVERSION Incrementer for Resource Files
This utility,, will automatically update the FILEVERSION and "FileVersion" fields in a version table of a C/C++ resource file (.rc).
There are four numbers that identify the version: major, minor, build and revision.
FILEVERSION 1,0,0,2 | | | | | | | revision | | build | minor major
Go to the C/C++ project with the resource (.rc) file and change the pre-build event as follows. This dialog is under the project properties. Modify the "Release" configuration only. The first parameter is the path to the resource file and the "true" parameter is to signal that the build number should be incremented when the revision number reaches 10. No second parameter or a value of "false" will cause the revision number to keep incrementing indefinitely, to 4,294,967,295.
The file VersionIncrement.exe should go into the C/C++ project's folder. Make sure to enter the correct path to the resource (.rc) file and not the example above.
This utility is a 32-bit executable.