Pac-man Online Game
Access the Camera Through the Web Browser
How to gain access of the camera through the Internet and how to handle user requests not to allow access to it.
Cat/Dog/Human Image Recognition: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Use artificial intelligence to identify an image of a cat, dog or human/person.
Data Clustering Tool: Unsupervised Machine Learning
Use artificial intelligence to study patterns in data using k-mean and silhouette clustering machine learning.
Draw It!
A simple desktop and mobile device compatible JavaScript sketchpad that uses artificial intelligence to recognize a bicycle, car, clock, fish, guitar, house, pencil or tree.
MNIST Number Recognition: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence that recognizes hand-written numbers zero to nine using a neural network, learned from the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database, and adds them to a calculator.
Movie Review Sentiment: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence that recognizes the sentiment of a movie review, either negative or positive.
On the Farm
A mouse-controlled JavaScript game where, every 15 seconds, the player is able to move rocks around trying to block bad computer-controlled characters; these characters may also move rocks, but the player has the power to move the bad characters around, too. Try to trap the meanies — not easy!
Pac-man Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Pac-man. Keyboard is required.
Silverback Gorillas in a Cauldron
An artificial intelligence game where autonomous gorillas must navigate a maze, racing, while risking falling into the dungeons of hell.
Space Invaders Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Space Invaders. Keyboard is required.
Tetris Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Tetris. Keyboard is required.
Word2Vec Word Vector Math
Word2Vec is a neural network model designed to learn word associations from a large corpus of text; it converts words into a high-dimensional space where similar words are placed closer together; try vector math on these word vectors here.