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PHP: Tutorial - Page 2

Constants, reference variables, operators, conditional, switch and loop statements.


Constants are often used in functions that require specific values to be passed in. Use the define function to create constants.

	define("MAX", 1000);
	define("TRUE_MAX", MAX);
	define("USERNAME", "John");

	echo MAX;
	echo TRUE_MAX;


A reference is a variable that points to another variable. Changing one changes both (or all that are referenced).

	$i = 321;
	$j = &$i; // $j is a reference to $i

	echo $i;
	echo $j;

	$i = 654;

	echo $i;
	echo $j;

	$j = 987;

	echo $i;
	echo $j;


There are operators in PHP to handle arithmetic, assignment, comparison, etc.

=assigns right operand to the left operand
==is true when the two operands are equal
!=is true when the two operands are not equal
===is true when the two operands are identical
!==is true when the two operands are not identical
<is true when left operand is less than right operand
>is true when left operand is greater than right operand
<=is true when left operand is less than or equal to right operand
>=is true when left operand is greater than or equal to right operand
&&is true when both left and right operands are true
||is true when either left or right operand is true
++increment operand by one
--decrement operand by one
+=increments left operand by right operand
-=decrements left operand by right operand
.concatenates left and right operand
%divides the left operand by the right and returns the remainder
|bitwise OR: returns the bits that are on in either the left or right operands
&bitwise AND: returns the bits that are one both in the left and right operands
?:ternary operator is like a condensed conditional statement
`execution operator (the backtick key)

An example using the execution operator:

	$output = `ls -al`;
	echo '<pre>';
	echo $output;
	echo '</pre>';

Conditional Statement

A conditional statement takes a different action depending on the outcome of a test. Any number that is not zero is considered true so zero is consider false. Empty strings evaluate to false. The === operator compares values and data types, if they are the same data type with the same data then they are identical.

	$i = 10;

	if ($i) {
		echo '$i is not 0';

	if(10 == "10") { // this is true
		echo "EQUAL";

	if(10 === "10") { // this is not true
		echo "IDENTICAL";

	if ($i == 0) {
		echo 'zero';
	else if ($i < 5) {
		echo 'five';
	else if ($i >= 100 && $i < 200) {
		echo 'huge';
	else if ($i <= 10) {
		echo 'ten';

Switch Statement

Sometimes a switch is more appropriate for executing code based on conditions.

	$animal = 'dog';

	switch($animal) {
		case 'cat':
			echo 0;
		case 'pony':
			echo 1;
		case 'snake':
			echo 2;
		case 'dog':
			echo 3;
			echo 10;

Loop Statements

There are four ways to execute a block of code multiple times. These are with the while, for, foreach, and do while loop statements.

The while loop executes a block of code for as long as a given condition is true.

	$i = 0;
	while($i < 10) {
		echo $i;
		$i = $i + 1;

The for loop specifies a declaration, a condition, and an action.

	for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i = $i + 1) {
		echo $i;

The foreach loop is specifically for objects and arrays.

	$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
	foreach($arr as $i) {
		echo $i;

The foreach loop can access the keys and values of the array.

	$arr = array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
	foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
		echo "[$key] is set to $value\n";

The do while loop is like the while one except the condition is evaluated at the end of the code block.

	$i = 0;
	do {
		echo $i;
		$i = $i + 1;
	} while($i < 10);


Use the exit construct to terminate the processing of the PHP script file.

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