PHP: Tips and Tricks - Page 3
Dynamic Variable Names
Use the variable variable syntax by prepending a $ to a variable whose value us the variable name you want.
$dynamic = 'number';
$number = 1024;
print $$dynamic; // prints 1024!
print ' ';
print "${'num'.'ber'}"; // prints 1024!
Serialize Data Using JSON
Use the functions json_encode
and json_decode
to serialize arrays.
$arr = array('first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Smith', 'age' => 25, 'address' => array('street' => '123 Abc Ln', 'city' => 'New York', 'state' => 'NY'));
$json = json_encode($arr);
$f = fopen('personal_info.json', 'w') or die('cannot open personal_info.json');
fputs($f, $json);
fclose($f) or die('cannot close personal_info.json');
print $json;
$arr = json_decode(file_get_contents('personal_info.json'), TRUE);
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
Dynamic Functions
Define a function dynamically as the script is running.
$x = 10;
$volume = function($y, $z) use ($x) {
return $x * $y * $z;
$v = $volume(5, 7);
print $v;
Variable Number of Arguments
Pass the function a single array-typed argument and put the variable arguments in the array.
function html_bold($items) {
$html = '';
foreach($items as $i) {
$html .= '<b>'.$i.'</b>';
return $html;
$arr = array('this', 'is', 'a', 'test');
$str = html_bold($arr);
print $str;
Return Values by Reference
To return by reference place a & symbol before the name of the function. Also, use the =& operator when invoking the function.
function &find_array_value(&$array, $search_value) {
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if($search_value == $value) {
return $array[$key];
$arr = array('this', 'is', 'a', 'test');
$f =& find_array_value($arr, 'test');
print $f;
Accessing a Global Variable
Global variables can be brought into scope using the global
function some_func() {
global $some_var;
function some_func() {
Access Modifiers
Use the private
, protected
and public
keywords to control access to methods and data members.
class Food {
private $pasta; // available only to this class
protected $apples; // available to this class and derived classes
public $nuts; // available everywhere
private function set_apples() {
$this->apples = 4;
protected function set_nuts() {
$this->nuts = 100;
public function set_pasta() {
$this->pasta = 1;
class Dinner extends Food {
private $guests;
public function set_apples() {
$this->apples = 2; // can access the protected member of the base class
public function set_guests() {
$this->guests = 4;
public function set_food() {
$f = new Food;
$f->set_pasta(); // the only method that can be called from outside the Food class
$f->nuts = 50; // the only member that can be accessed from outside the Food class
$d = new Dinner;
$d->set_apples(); // changes the apples member of the base class
$d->nuts = 75; // can access the nuts member of the base class
$d->set_pasta(); // can access set_pasta method of the base class
Static Methods
Access methods without instantiating an object.
class Rectangle {
public static function area($width, $height) {
return $width * $height;
$area = Rectangle::area(65, 33);
print $area;
Abstract Base Classes
Create a class that is not directly instantiable but is a common base class for derived classes. Use the abstract
abstract class TwoDimensional {
abstract public function set_width($value);
abstract public function set_height($value);
class Rectangle extends TwoDimensional {
private $width;
private $height;
public function set_width($value) {
$this->width = $value;
public function set_height($value) {
$this->height = $value;
Interaces require that classes behave in a similarly fashion. Define an interface
and declare that a class implements
interface RectangleInterface {
public function set_width($value);
public function set_height($value);
class Rectangle implements RectangleInterface {
private $width;
private $height;
public function set_width($value) {
$this->width = $value;
public function set_height($value) {
$this->height = $value;
Cloning Objects
When the assignment operator (=) is used with objects, it copies by reference. To copy objects by value use clone
class Rectangle {
private $width;
private $height;
public function set_width($value) {
$this->width = $value;
public function set_height($value) {
$this->height = $value;
$rect1 = new Rectangle;
$rect2 = $rect1 // $rect2 points to $rect1
$rect3 = clone $rect1; // now there are two objects
Class Constants
Use const
and self
keywords and ::
class Circle {
const pi = 3.14159;
protected $radius;
public function set_radius($value) {
$this->radius = $value;
public function circumference() {
return 2 * self::pi * $this->radius;
$radius = 10;
$area = Circle::pi * $radius * $radius;
print $area;
$circle = new Circle;
print $circle->circumference();
Accessing Overridden Methods
To access a method in the base class that's overridden by the derived class, use the parent
class Rectangle {
protected $width;
protected $height;
public function set_width($value) {
$this->width = $value;
public function set_height($value) {
$this->height = $value;
public function area() {
return $this->width * $this->height;
class Box extends Rectangle {
protected $depth;
public function set_depth($value) {
$this->depth = $value;
public function area() {
if($this->width == $this->height && $this->width == $this->depth) {
return parent::area() * 6; // use parent to refer to the base class
Object Stringification
Control how objects are displayed. Implement a __toString()
class Rectangle {
private $width;
private $height;
public function __toString() {
return $this->width.'x'.$this->height;
public function set_width($value) {
$this->width = $value;
public function set_height($value) {
$this->height = $value;
Check Which Class an Object is an Instance of
Use the instanceof
class Rectangle {
private $width;
private $height;
public function set_width($value) {
$this->width = $value;
public function set_height($value) {
$this->height = $value;
$rect = new Rectangle;
if($rect instanceof Rectangle) {
print '$rect is a Rectangle';
Dynamic Object Instantiation
class Rectangle {
private $width;
private $height;
public function set_width($value) {
$this->width = $value;
public function set_height($value) {
$this->height = $value;
$class_name = 'Rectangle';
$class = new $class_name; // new Rectangle
if($class instanceof Rectangle) {
print '$class is a Rectangle';
Automatically Load Class Files when Instantiated
There is no reason to include all the class definitions in every script so use the __autoload
function include only the class
definitions used by the script.
function __autoload($class_name) {
include "$class_name.php";
$rect = new Rectangle; // this is when the Rectangle.php file will be included.