JavaScript: Tutorial - A Guide to JavaScript - Page 11
Manipulation Methods
The concat()
method allows one to create a new array based on all of the items in the current array. This method
creates a copy of the array and then appends the method arguments to the end and returns the newly constructed array.
var animals = ["cat", "dog", "bird"];
var animals2 = animals.concat("snake", ["monkey", "zebra"]);
alert(animals); // shows "cat,dog,bird"
alert(animals2); // shows "cat,dog,bird,snake,monkey,zebra"
The slice()
method creates an array that contains one or more items already contained in an array. It may accept
one or two arguments: the starting and stopping positions of the items to return. The method returns all items between that
position and the end of the array if only one argument is present. The method returns all items between the start position
and the end position if there are two arguments. It does not include the item in the end position. This method does not
affect the original array.
var animals = ["cat", "dog", "bird", "snake", "monkey", "zebra"];
var animals2 = animals.slice(2);
var animals3 = animals.slice(1,4);
alert(animals.slice()); // shows "cat,dog,bird,snake,monkey,zebra" (makes a total copy of the whole array "animals")
alert(animals2); // shows "bird,snake,monkey,zebra"
alert(animals3); // shows "dog,bird,snake"
The splice()
method is used to delete, insert and replace items in an array. Any number of
items can be deleted from the array by specifying just two arguments: the position of the first item to delete and the number
of items to delete. Items can be inserted into a specified position by providing three or more arguments: the beginning
position, zero, and the items to insert. Items can be inserted into a specified position while simultaneously deleting items,
if you specify three arguments: the starting position, the number of items to delete, and any number of items to insert.
var animals = ["cat", "dog", "bird"];
var removed = animals.splice(0,1); // remove the first item
alert(animals); // shows "dog,bird"
alert(removed); // shows "cat"
removed = animals.splice(1, 0, "snake", "monkey"); // insert two items at position 1
alert(animals); // shows "dog,snake,monkey,bird"
alert(removed); // is an empty array
removed = colors.splice(1, 1, "zebra", "elephant"); // remove one value, insert two
alert(colors); // shows "dog,zebra,elephant,monkey,bird"
alert(removed); // shows "snake"
Location Methods
The methods indexOf()
and lastIndexOf()
accepts two arguments: the value to look for and an optional
index from which to start looking. The indexOf()
method starts searching from the beginning of the array and
continues to the end. The lastIndexOf()
method starts from the end item in the array and continues to the
These methods return the position of the item in the array or –1 if the item is not found.
var values = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10];
alert(values.indexOf(89)); // shows "-1"
alert(values.indexOf(40)); // shows "3"
alert(values.lastIndexOf(40)); // shows "5"
alert(values.indexOf(40, 4)); // shows "5"
alert(values.lastIndexOf(40, 4)); // shows "3"
The Date Type
To create a date object, use the new
operator along with the Date
constructor. The
object is assigned the current date and time when the Date
constructor is used without arguments.
var now = new Date();
To create a date object for May 5, 2014 use Date.parse()
. If the string passed into Date.parse()
does not represent a date, it returns NaN
. Date.parse()
returns the number of milliseconds since
January 1, 1970.
var cincoDeMayo = new Date(Date.parse("May 5, 2014"));
Or without Date.parse()
var cincoDeMayo = new Date("May 5, 2014");
The Date.UTC()
method also returns the millisecond since 1/1/70 but constructs that value using
different information than Date.parse()
. The arguments for Date.UTC()
are the year, the zero-based
month (Jan. is 0, Feb. is 1, etc.), the day of the month (1 through 31), and the hours (0 through 23), minutes, seconds, and
milliseconds of the time.
var datetime = new Date(Date.UTC(2014, 1, 1, 0, 15, 30)); // Feb. 1, 2014 12:15:30 AM GMT
The Date
constructor mimicks this behavior except that the time is not GMT, it is local.
var datetime = new Date(2014, 1, 1, 0, 15, 30); // Feb. 1, 2014 12:15:30 AM local time
To time an operation or procedure:
var startTime = Number(new Date());
// perform an operation
var stopTime = Number(new Date());
var lengthOfOperation = stopTime – startTime;
Date-Formatting Methods
There are several methods of the Date
object used to format the date as a string. toDateString()
displays the date's day of the week, month, day of the month, and year in an implementation-specific format.
displays the date's hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone in an implementation-specific format.
displays the date's day of the week, month, day of the month, and year in an
implementation- and locale-specific format. toLocaleTimeString()
displays the date's hours, minutes, and seconds
in an implementation-specific format. toUTCString()
displays the complete UTC date in an implementation-specific
The output of these methods varies from browser to browser and they therefore can not be employed in a user interface.