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C++: Hashtable Example for String Keys

Generate a hash key from a string.

This first example is primarily in C but there is a little C++ sprinkled in here and there. The second example is pretty rich in C++ code.

For a more complete example, see the C++ template class example.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#define TABLE_SIZE 1000003 // use a large prime number

unsigned int hash_func(const char *key, const unsigned int table_size)
	unsigned int h = 0;
	unsigned int o = 31415;
	const unsigned int t = 27183;
		h = (o * h + *key++) % table_size;
		o = o * t % (table_size - 1);
	return h;

class HashtableItem
	HashtableItem *pnext; // for a linked list
	string key, value;

	HashtableItem(const string &key, const string &value) : pnext(nullptr)
		this->key = key;
		this->value = value;
			delete this->pnext;
	string Key() const
		return this->key;
	string Value() const
		return this->value;
	void SetNext(HashtableItem *item)
			this->pnext = item;
	HashtableItem *GetNext() const
		return this->pnext;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	unsigned int i;
	string key, value;
	HashtableItem **table = (HashtableItem **)new void*[TABLE_SIZE];

	for(i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; table[i++] = 0);

		cout << "enter a key (string) for the hash (q to quit): ";
		cin >> key;
		if(key == "q")
		i = hash_func(key.c_str(), TABLE_SIZE);
			if(table[i]->Key() == key) // then we found the item
				cout << "the value at \"" << table[i]->Key() << "\" is \"" << table[i]->Value() << "\"\r\n";
				HashtableItem *item;
				for(item = table[i]; item->GetNext() && (item->GetNext()->Key() != key); item = item->GetNext());
				if(item->GetNext()) // then we found the item in the linked list
					cout << "the value at \"" << item->GetNext()->Key() << "\" is \"" << item->GetNext()->Value() << "\"\r\n";
				else // then the key was not found in the linked list
					cout << "enter a value for the key \"" << key << "\" (q to quit): ";
					cin >> value;
					if(value == "q")
					item->SetNext(new HashtableItem(key, value));
		else // then the hashtable is functioning as it should WITHOUT the linked list
			cout << "enter a value for the key \"" << key << "\" (q to quit): ";
			cin >> value;
			if(value == "q")
			table[i] = new HashtableItem(key, value);
	// now print the entire table while deleting it
	for(i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
			HashtableItem *item;
			for(item = table[i]; item; item = item->GetNext())
				cout << item->Key() << " = " << item->Value() << "\r\n";
			delete table[i];
	delete []table;
	return 0;

And now an example in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#define TABLE_SIZE 1000003 // use a large prime number

unsigned int hash_func(const char *key, const unsigned int table_size)
	unsigned int h = 0;
	unsigned int o = 31415;
	const unsigned int t = 27183;
	while (*key)
		h = (o * h + *key++) % table_size;
		o = o * t % (table_size - 1);
	return h;

class HashtableItem;

class Hashtable
	HashtableItem **table;
	HashtableItem *cur_table_item;
	int cur_index;


	// Add a new entry, returns false when the key already exists
	bool Add(const string &key, const string &value); 

	HashtableItem *operator[](const string &key) const;

	 // removes one table entry
	void Remove(const string &key);

	 // removes all the table entries
	void Clear();

	// for looping through the table of kes/values
	HashtableItem *GetFirst();
	HashtableItem *GetNext();

class HashtableItem
	HashtableItem *pnext;
	string key, value;

	// keep these private to prevent the client from creating this object
	HashtableItem(const string &key, const string &value);

	const string &Key() const;
	const string &Value() const;
	const string &operator=(const string &value);
	const char *operator=(const char *value);

	// some friend functions that can access the private data
	friend bool Hashtable::Add(const string &key, const string &value);
	friend Hashtable::~Hashtable();
	friend void Hashtable::Remove(const string &key);
	friend HashtableItem *Hashtable::operator[](const string &key) const;
	friend HashtableItem *Hashtable::GetNext();
	friend void Hashtable::Clear();

// ##################### Hashtable ###########################
Hashtable::Hashtable() : cur_table_item(nullptr), cur_index(0)
	table = new HashtableItem*[TABLE_SIZE];
	for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; table[i++] = nullptr);
	for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
		if (table[i])
			delete table[i];
	delete []table;
bool Hashtable::Add(const string &key, const string &value)
	unsigned int i = hash_func(key.c_str(), TABLE_SIZE);
	if (table[i])
		HashtableItem *node;
		for (node = table[i]; node->pnext && (node->pnext->Key() != key); node = node->pnext);
		if (node->pnext)
			return false;
		node->pnext = new HashtableItem(key, value);
		return true;
	table[i] = new HashtableItem(key, value);
	return true;
HashtableItem *Hashtable::operator[](const string &key) const
	unsigned int i = hash_func(key.c_str(), TABLE_SIZE);
	if (table[i])
		if (table[i]->Key() == key)
			return table[i];
		HashtableItem *node;
		for (node = table[i]; node->pnext && (node->pnext->Key() != key); node = node->pnext);
		if (node->pnext)
			return node->pnext;
	return nullptr;
void Hashtable::Remove(const string &key)
	unsigned int i = hash_func(key.c_str(), TABLE_SIZE);
	if (table[i])
		HashtableItem *node, *tmp;
		if (table[i]->Key() == key)
			tmp = table[i]->pnext;
			table[i]->pnext = nullptr;
			delete table[i];
			table[i] = tmp;
			for (node = table[i]; node->pnext && (node->pnext->Key() != key); node = node->pnext);
			if (node->pnext) // then key found in linked list
				tmp = node->pnext->pnext;
				node->pnext = nullptr;
				delete node->pnext;
				node->pnext = tmp;
void Hashtable::Clear()
	for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
		delete table[i];
		table[i] = nullptr;
HashtableItem *Hashtable::GetFirst()
	int i;
	this->cur_table_item = nullptr;
	this->cur_index = 0;

	for (i = this->cur_index; i < TABLE_SIZE && table[i] == nullptr; i++);
	if (i < TABLE_SIZE)
		this->cur_table_item = table[i];
		this->cur_index = i;
	return this->cur_table_item;
HashtableItem *Hashtable::GetNext()
	if (this->cur_table_item && this->cur_table_item->pnext)
		this->cur_table_item = this->cur_table_item->pnext;
		int i;
		for (i = this->cur_index + 1; i < TABLE_SIZE && table[i] == nullptr; i++);
		if (i < TABLE_SIZE)
			this->cur_table_item = table[i];
			this->cur_index = i;
			this->cur_table_item = nullptr;
			this->cur_index = 0;
	return this->cur_table_item;

// ##################### HashtableItem ###########################
HashtableItem::HashtableItem(const string &xKey, const string &xValue) : key(xKey), value(xValue), pnext(nullptr) {}
	if (this->pnext)
		delete this->pnext;
const string &HashtableItem::Key() const
	return this->key;
const string &HashtableItem::Value() const
	return this->value;
const string &HashtableItem::operator=(const string &value)
	this->value = value;
	return value;
const char *HashtableItem::operator=(const char *value)
	this->value = value;
	return value;

// #################### entry point ####################
// notice how much cleaner the code is here than when compared to the C example
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	string key, value;
	Hashtable ht;
	HashtableItem *item;

	while (true)
		cout << "enter a key (string) for the hash (q to quit): ";
		cin >> key;
		if (key == "q")
		item = ht[key];
		if (item == nullptr)
			cout << "enter a value for the key \"" << key << "\" (q to quit): ";
			cin >> value;
			if (value == "q")
			ht.Add(key, value);
			cout << "the value at \"" << item->Key() << "\" is \"" << item->Value() << "\"\r\nenter a new value: ";
			cin >> value;
			(*item) = value;
	while (true)
		item = ht.GetFirst();
		while (item)
			cout << "the value at \"" << item->Key() << "\" is \"" << item->Value() << "\"\r\n";
			item = ht.GetNext();
		cout << "enter the key (string) to delete (q to quit): ";
		cin >> key;
		if (key == "q")
	return 0;

To convert this class to use C++ templates click here. To see the integer implementation of this class click here.


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