ASP.NET: Server Controls
ASP.NET server controls divide into two main categories: HTML Server Controls and Web Server Controls.
HTML Server Controls
HTML server controls are HyperText Markup Language (HTML) page elements that include a runat="server" attribute. They have the same HTML output and properties as their corresponding HTML tags, but include server-side events. Most HTML server controls include an OnServerEvent. For example, the <input type="button"> control has an OnServerClick event. When an ASP.NET page is reposted, HTML server controls keep their values. HTML controls are defined in the System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace. The following syntax makes an HTML element into an HTML server control.
<input type="text" id="Text1" runat="server" />
The HTML server controls consist of the:
HtmlAnchor HtmlButton HtmlForm HtmlImage HtmlInputButton HtmlInputCheckBox HtmlInputFile HtmlInputHidden HtmlInputImage HtmlInputRadioButton HtmlInputText HtmlSelect HtmlTable HtmlTableCell HtmlTableCell HtmlTextArea controls
Web Server Controls
Web server controls are similar to HTML server controls except that they have a common set of property names and can be made up of several HTML elements. Web controls are defined in the System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace.
Web server controls are further divided into four subcategories: Basic Web Controls, Validation Controls, List Controls and Rich Controls.
Basic Web Controls
Basic web controls include additional methods, events, and properties against which one can program. The Basic web controls include:
Button Web Server Control CheckBox Web Server Control HyperLink Web Server Control Image Web Server Control ImageButton Web Server Control Label Web Server Control LinkButton Web Server Control Literal Web Server Control Panel Web Server Control PlaceHolder Web Server Control RadioButton Web Server Control Table Web Server Control TableCell Web Server Control TableRow Web Server Control TextBox Web Server Control FileUpload Web Server Control (.NET 2.0) HiddenField Web Server Control (.NET 2.0) ImageMap Web Server Control (.NET 2.0)
Validation Controls
Validation controls validate the values entered into other controls on the page. Validation controls perform client-side and server-side validation. Validation controls consist of the following:
RequiredFieldValidator Control RangeValidator Control CompareValidator Control RegularExpressionValidator Control CustomValidator Control ValidationSummary Control
The following is a form that uses the RequiredFieldValidator. After pressing the Next button, the users is told which fields are required and the user is not allowed to continue (the form will not post).
List Controls
List controls bind to collections and only collections supporting the IEnumerable, ICollection, or IListSource interfaces. List controls expose DataSource and DataMember properties used to bind to collections. List controls consist of the following:
ListBox Web Server Control CheckBoxList Web Server Control RadioButtonList Web Server Control Repeater Web Server Control DataList Web Server Control DataGrid Web Server Control DropDownList Web Server Control BulletedList Web Server Control (.NET 2.0)
Rich Controls
Rich controls are built with many HTML elements and contain rich functionality. Examples are the Calendar control and the AdRotator control. Rich controls consist of the following:
AdRotator Web Server Control Calendar Web Server Control Xml Web Server Control Wizard Web Server Control (.NET 2.0)
Custom Server Controls
If ASP.NET doesn't have a control that does what the programmer needs then it allows for the creation of custom server controls.