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- - (bitwise NOT) operator 52
- - (unary negation) operator 51
- -- (decrement) operator 51
- ! (logical NOT) operator 54
- != (not equal) operator 50
- !== (strict not equal) operator 50
- % (modulus) operator 51
- %= operator 49
- && (logical AND) operator 54
- & (bitwise AND) operator 52
- &= operator 49
- */ comment 90
- *= operator 49
- + (string concatenation) operator 55
- ++ (increment) operator 51
- += (string concatenation) operator 55
- += operator 49
- /* comment 90
- // comment 90, 150
- /= operator 49
- < (less than) operator 50
- << (left shift) operator 52, 53
- <<= operator 49
- <= (less than or equal) operator 50
- == (equal) operator 50
- === (strict equal) operator 50
- -= operator 49
- > (greater than) operator 50
- >= (greater than or equal) operator 50
- >> (sign-propagating right shift) operator 52, 53
- >>= operator 49
- >>> (zero-fill right shift) operator 52, 53
- >>>= operator 49
- ?: (conditional) operator 56
- ^ (bitwise XOR) operator 52
- ^= operator 49
- | (bitwise OR) operator 52
- |= operator 49
- || (logical OR) operator 54
- (comma) operator 56
- accumulator
- See tainting
- A HTML tag 199
- alert method 161, 177
- AND (&&) logical operator 54
- AND (&) bitwise operator 52
- applets
- controlling with LiveConnect 252
- example of 253, 254
- flashing text example 254
- Hello World example 253, 262
- referencing 252
- ARCHIVE attribute 222
- arguments array 94
- arithmetic operators 51
- % (modulus) 51
- -- (decrement) 51
- - (unary negation) 51
- ++ (increment) 51
- Array object
- creating 108
- overview 107
- arrays
- See also the individual arrays
- associative 100
- defined 107
- deleting elements 57
- indexing 108, 183
- Java 251
- list of predefined 182
- literals 37
- populating 108
- predefined 182
- referring to elements 108, 183
- regular expressions and 110
- two-dimensional 110
- undefined elements 35
- glossary entry 293
- Unicode and 43
- assignment operators 49
- %= 49
- &= 49
- *= 49
- += 49
- /= 49
- <<= 49
- -= 49
- >>= 49
- >>>= 49
- ^= 49
- |= 49
- defined 47
- bitwise operators 51
- & (AND) 52
- - (NOT) 52
- << (left shift) 52, 53
- >> (sign-propagating right shift) 52, 53
- >>> (zero-fill right shift) 52, 53
- ^ (XOR) 52
- | (OR) 52
- logical 52
- shift 53
- BLOb, glossary entry 293
- blur method 178
- Boolean literals 38
- Boolean object 111
- conditional tests and 38, 80
- Boolean type conversions (LiveConnect) 265
- booleanValue method 272
- break statement 86
- browser, hiding scripts from 150
- buttons, submit 170
- captureEvents method 163
- capturing events 163
- case sensitivity 35, 147
- object names 100
- property names 100
- regular expressions and 74
- case statement
- See switch statement
- CGI, glossary entry 293
- CGI programs
- and image maps 203
- submitting forms to 169
- validating form input for 167
- char arguments 252
- class-based languages, defined 122
- classes
- defining 122
- Java 251
- LiveConnect 256, 257
- client
- glossary entry 293
- client-side JavaScript 20, 22
- glossary entry 293
- illustrated 22
- objects 171-187
- overview 22
- close method 177
- window object 191
- codebase principals 217
- comma () operator 56
- commas, in cookies 205
- comments 150
- comments, types of 90
- comment statement 90
- comparison operators 50
- != (not equal) 50
- !== (strict not equal) 50
- < (less than) 50
- <= (less than or equal) 50
- == (equal) 50
- === (strict equal) 50
- > (greater than) 50
- >= (greater than or equal) 50
- compute function 161
- conditional (?:) operator 56
- conditional expressions 56
- conditional statements 80-82
- if...else 80
- switch 81
- conditional tests, Boolean objects and 38, 80
- confirm method 161, 177
- console, JavaScript 289
- constructor functions 102
- global information in 141
- initializing property values with 133
- containership
- specifying default object 89
- with statement and 89
- continue statement 87
- cookies
- defined 205
- example of use 207
- glossary entry 293
- with JavaScript 206
- limitations for 206
- using 205
- CORBA, glossary entry 293
- core JavaScript 22
- glossary entry 293
- data tainting
- See tainting
- data types
- Boolean conversions 265
- converting 34
- converting with LiveConnect 263-272
- and Date object 34
- JavaArray conversions 268
- JavaClass conversions 270
- JavaObject conversions 268
- in JavaScript 26, 33
- JavaScript to Java conversion 264
- Java to JavaScript conversion 272
- null conversions 268
- number conversions 264
- other conversions 271
- string conversions 266
- undefined conversions 267
- Date object
- creating 111
- overview 111
- dates
- cookie expiration 205
- Debugger 27
- decrement (--) operator 51
- default objects, specifying 89
- defaultStatus property 204
- delete operator 57, 107
- deleting
- array elements 57
- objects 57, 107
- properties 57
- deprecate, glossary entry 293
- dialog boxes
- Alert 177
- Confirm 161, 177
- Prompt 177
- directories
- conventions used 18
- do...while statement 84
- document conventions 18
- document object 173
- See also documents
- described 178
- example of properties 174-175
- documents
- See also windows
- document object 178
- ECMA, glossary entry 293
- ECMAScript, glossary entry 294
- ECMA specification 28
- JavaScript documentation and 30
- JavaScript versions and 29
- terminology 30
- elements array 179
- elements property
- See elements array
- else statement
- See if...else statement
- end_time method (LiveAudio) 274
- entities 153
- error messages
- displaying to users 289
- escape function 98, 205, 206
- escaping characters 42
- Unicode 45
- eval function 95, 161
- evaluating expressions 290
- event handlers
- See also the individual event handlers
- defining 157, 159
- defining functions for 160
- example of use 160-161
- list of 158
- quotation marks for 154
- referring to windows 197
- resetting 162
- syntax for 159
- validating form input with 167
- event object 163
- events 157-170
- capturing 163
- defined 157
- list of 158
- exceptions
- handling in Java 259
- exec method 70
- expressions
- See also regular expressions
- conditional 56
- evaluating in JavaScript console 290
- in HTML attributes 153
- overview 47
- that return no value 60
- types of 48
- external functions, glossary entry 294
- fade_from_to method (LiveAudio) 274
- fade_to method (LiveAudio) 274
- flashing text applet example 254
- floating-point literals 39
- floatValue method 272
- focus method 178
- statement 88, 100
- for loops
- continuation of 87
- sequence of execution 83
- termination of 86
- form elements
- updating 187
- updating dynamically 177
- FORM HTML tag 173, 199
- Form object
- See also forms
- described 179
- elements array 179
- forms
- elements array 179
- Form object 179
- forms array 179
- referring to windows in submit 199
- validating input 167
- forms array 179
- forms property
- See forms array
- for statement 83
- FRAME HTML tag 177
- Frame object
- See also frames
- described 177-178
- frames
- closing 191
- creating 192
- defined 191
- example of creation 195-196
- figure of 192
- Frame object 177-178
- frames array 193, 194
- hierarchy of 193
- navigating 195
- referring to 195, 197-199
- updating 194
- frames array 193, 194
- frames property
- See frames array
- function keyword 91
- Function object 114
- functions 91-98
- arguments array 94
- calling 93
- defining 91
- examples of 168
- Function object 114
- importing and exporting in signed scripts 231, 234
- predefined 95-98
- recursive 93
- using built-in 95-98
- using validation 169-170
- getDay method 112
- getHours method 114
- getMember method 258
- getMinutes method 114
- getSeconds method 114
- getTime method 113
- GetVolume method (LiveAudio) 274
- global object 30
- go method 180
- handleEvent method 163
- hash errors and signed scripts 239
- Hello World applet example 253, 262
- history list 180
- history object 173
- described 180
- HREF attribute 203
- embedding JavaScript in 147-155
- glossary entry 294
- layout 176-177
- HTML tags
- A 199
- FORM 173, 199
- FRAME 177
- IMG 203
- MAP 202
- PRE 185
- SCRIPT 148, 214, 222, 223
- TITLE 175
- glossary entry 294
- hypertext
- See links
- ID attribute 223
- identity taint code 242
- if...else statement 80
- image maps
- client-side 202
- server-side 203
- IMG HTML tag 203
- increment (++) operator 51
- inheritance
- class-based languages and 123
- multiple 143
- property 138
- initializers for objects 101
- integers, in JavaScript 39
- international characters in signed scripts 231
- internationalization 43
- IP address, glossary entry 294
- isFinite function 95
- ISMAP attribute 203
- isNaN function 96
- IsPaused method (LiveAudio) 274
- IsPlaying method (LiveAudio) 274
- IsReady method (LiveAudio) 274
- JAR files 222, 223, 234
- Java
- See also LiveConnect
- accessing JavaScript 256
- accessing with LiveConnect 249
- applets and same origin policy 215
- arrays in JavaScript 251
- calling from JavaScript 249
- classes 251
- communication with JavaScript 247-272
- compared to JavaScript 26, 121-144
- getting JavaScript window handle 260
- to JavaScript communication 256
- JavaScript exceptions and 259
- methods requiring char arguments 252
- objects, naming in JavaScript 250
- object wrappers 249
- packages 251
- JavaArray object 249, 251
- JavaArray type conversions 268
- JavaClass object 249, 251
- JavaClass type conversions (LiveConnect) 270
- JavaObject object 249, 250
- JavaObject type conversions 268
- java package 250
- JavaPackage object 249, 251
- JavaScript
- accessing from Java 256
- background for using 15
- case sensitivity 147
- client-side 22
- communication with Java 247-272
- compared to Java 26, 121-144
- components illustrated 21
- core 22
- differences between server and client 20
- displaying errors 289
- ECMA specification and 28
- embedding in HTML 147-155
- entities 153
- external file of 152, 214
- and HTML layout 176-177
- to Java Communication 249
- Navigator 22-23
- object wrappers 272
- overview 19
- right-hand evaluation 153
- server-side 24-26
- special characters 41
- specifying version 148
- URLs 201
- versions and Navigator 16
- JavaScript console 289
- displaying error messages 291
- evaluating expressions 290
- glossary entry 294
- opening 290
- javascript typein 290
- JSException class 256, 259
- JSObject, accessing JavaScript with 257
- JSObject class 256
- labeled statements
- with break 86
- with continue 87
- label statement 86
- language, specifying 148
- LANGUAGE attribute 148
- layers
- same origin policy and 214
- signed scripts and 219
- unsigned 230
- layout, HTML 176-177
- left shift (<<) operator 52, 53
- length property 118
- links
- creating 199
- image maps 203
- referring to windows 199
- with no destination 60
- literals 37
- Array 37
- Boolean 38
- floating point 39
- integers 39
- object 40
- string 41
- LiveAudio 273-278
- examples 275
- and LiveConnect 273-278
- methods 274
- LiveConnect 247-272
- accessing Java directly 249
- accessing JavaScript objects 260
- accessing JavaScript properties 260
- calling JavaScript methods 261
- calling user-defined functions from Java 262
- controlling Java applets 252
- controlling Java plug-ins 255
- converting data types 263-272
- getting a window handle 260
- glossary entry 294
- Hello World example 262
- Java to JavaScript communication 256
- and LiveAudio 273-278
- objects 249
- LiveWire applications, validating form input for 167
- location object 173
- described 180
- location property 194
- logical operators 54
- ! (NOT) 54
- && (AND) 54
- || (OR) 54
- short-circuit evaluation 55
- loops
- continuation of 87
- 88
- termination of 86
- loop statements 82-88
- break 86
- continue 87
- do...while 84
- for 83
- label 86
- while 85
- lowercase 35, 147
- mail filters 281-287
- creating 282
- debugging 286
- example of 286
- message object reference 284
- news filters 284
- MAP HTML tag 202
- matching patterns
- See regular expressions
- match method 70
- Math object 116
- messages
- Alert dialog box 177
- Confirm dialog box 177
- Prompt dialog box 177
- status bar 204
- METHOD attribute 175
- methods
- defined 92
- defining 105
- referring to windows 197
- static 295
- MIME, glossary entry 294
- MIME types
- client capability 208
- mimeTypes array 209
- mimeTypes property
- See mimeTypes array
- modulus (%) operator 51
- NAME attribute 175
- Navigator
- and JavaScript 22, 24
- JavaScript versions supported 16
- MIME types supported 208
- objects, hierarchy of 171
- predefined arrays 182
- printing output 185
- Navigator JavaScript
- See client-side JavaScript
- navigator object 172
- See also Navigator
- described 181
- Netscape cookie protocol
- glossary entry 294
- Netscape Messenger 281-287
- netscape package 250
- Netscape packages
- See packages
- Netscape Signing Tool 215, 237
- new operator 58, 102
- NOT (!) logical operator 54
- NOT (-) bitwise operator 52
- NS_ENABLE_TAINT environment variable 241
- null keyword 33
- null value conversions (LiveConnect) 268
- Number function 97
- Number object 117
- numbers
- Number object 117
- parsing from strings 96
- type conversions (LiveConnect) 264
- object manipulation statements
- 88
- this keyword 58
- with statement 89
- object model 121-144
- objects 99-119, 171-187
- adding properties 103, 104
- constructor function for 102
- creating 101-103
- creating new types 58
- deleting 57, 107
- establishing default 89
- event 163
- getting list of properties for 100
- hierarchy of 171
- indexing properties 104
- inheritance 129
- initializers for 101
- iterating properties 100
- JavaScript in Java 257
- literals 40
- LiveConnect 249
- model of 121-144
- overview 100
- predefined 107
- single instances of 101
- onChange event handler 167, 169
- onClick event handler 161, 167, 169, 208
- onMouseOut event handler 204
- onMouseOver event handler 204
- onSubmit event handler 170
- open method 177
- window object 190
- operators
- arithmetic 51
- assignment 49
- bitwise 51
- comparison 50
- defined 47
- logical 54
- order of 61
- overview 48
- precedence 61
- special 56
- string 55
- OR (|) bitwise operator 52
- OR (||) logical operator 54
- output
- displaying 187
- printing 185
- packages, Java 251
- Packages object 250
- pages
- objects for 172
- updating 187
- parentheses in regular expressions 69, 73
- parent property 197
- parseFloat function 96
- parseInt function 96
- parse method 113
- pattern matching
- See regular expressions
- pause method (LiveAudio) 274
- PI property 116
- play method (LiveAudio) 274
- Plugin class 256
- Plugin object
- See plug-ins
- plug-ins
- controlling with LiveConnect 255
- determining installed 208
- plugins array 209
- plugins property
- See plugins array
- predefined objects 107
- PRE HTML tag 185
- primitive value, glossary entry 294
- printing generated HTML 185
- prompt method 177
- properties
- See also the individual properties
- adding 104, 131
- class-based languages and 123
- creating 131
- getting list of for an object 100
- indexing 104
- inheritance 129, 138
- initializing with constructors 133
- iterating for an object 100
- naming 175
- overview 100
- referring to 173
- referring to windows 197
- static 295
- prototype-based languages, defined 122
- prototypes 129
- quotation marks
- for string literals 41
- using double 154
- using single 154
- reflection 176-177
- RegExp object 63-77
- regular expressions 63-77
- arrays and 110
- creating 64
- defined 63
- examples of 75
- global search with 74
- ignoring case 74
- parentheses in 69, 73
- remembering substrings 69, 73
- special characters in 65, 77
- using 70
- writing patterns 64
- releaseEvents method 163
- replace method 70
- return statement 92
- right-hand evaluation 153
- routeEvent method 163
- same origin policy 212-215
- document.domain 213
- Java applets 215
- layers 214
- named forms 214
- properties accessed 213
- SCRIPT tags that load documents 214
- SCRIPT HTML tag 148
- ARCHIVE attribute 222
- ID attribute 223
- LANGUAGE attribute 148
- SRC attribute 152, 214
- scripts
- example of 151
- hiding 150
- SCRIPT tag 148, 214, 222
- signed 215-239
- scroll method 178
- search method 70
- security 211-243
- See also same origin policy, signed scripts, tainting
- same origin policy 212-215
- signed scripts 215-239
- tainting 240-243
- self property 197
- semicolons
- for event handlers 159
- in cookies 205
- in JavaScript 151
- servers
- accessing 243
- SSL secure 216
- server-side JavaScript 20, 24-26
- glossary entry 295
- illustrated 24, 25
- setDay method 112
- setInterval method 178
- setTime method 113
- setTimeout method 178
- setvol method (LiveAudio) 274
- short-circuit evaluation 55
- signed scripts 215-239
- after signing 238
- codebase principals and 217
- events from other locations 230
- expanded privileges 224
- frames and 230
- hash errors 239
- hints for using 234
- identifying 222
- importing and exporting functions 231, 234
- international characters in 231
- JAR file name 222, 223, 234
- Java security classes 224
- layers and 219
- more information on 216
- Netscape Signing Tool 215, 237
- principals 215, 218
- privileges 215
- SSL servers and 216
- targets 215, 226
- troubleshooting 238
- trusted code base 235
- unsigned layers 230
- using minimal capability 237
- windows and 219
- sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator 52, 53
- space characters, in cookies 205
- special characters in regular expressions 65, 77
- special operators 56
- split method 70
- SRC attribute 152, 214
- SSL, unsigned scripts and 216
- start_at_beginning method (LiveAudio) 274
- start_time method (LiveAudio) 274
- statements
- break 86
- conditional 80-82
- continue 87
- do...while 84
- for 83
- 88
- if...else 80
- label 86
- loop 82-88
- object manipulation 88-89
- overview 79-90
- switch 81
- while 85
- static, glossary entry 295
- status bar
- displaying hints 204
- displaying messages 178, 204
- status property 178, 204
- stop_at_end method (LiveAudio) 274
- StopAll method (LiveAudio) 274
- stop method (LiveAudio) 274
- String function 97
- string literals 41
- Unicode in 44
- String object
- overview 118
- regular expressions and 70
- strings
- changing order using regular expressions 75
- concatenating 55
- operators for 55
- regular expressions and 63
- searching for patterns 63
- type conversions (LiveConnect) 266
- subclasses 123
- submit method 170
- subwindows, updating 187
- sun package 250
- switch statement 81
- tainting 240-243
- accumulator 243
- conditional statements and 243
- control flow and 243
- enabling 241
- individual data elements 242
- overview 240
- properties tainted by default 240
- taint accumulator 243
- taint code 242
- untainting data elements 242
- TARGET attribute 199
- TCB 235
- test method 70
- this keyword 102, 105, 160, 169
- described 58
- for object references 106
- TITLE HTML tag 175
- toGMTString method 205
- top property 197
- toString method 272
- trusted code base (TCB) 235
- typeof operator 59
- unary negation (-) operator 51
- undefined property 34
- undefined value 35
- conversions (LiveConnect) 267
- unescape function 98, 205, 207
- Unicode 43-46
- described 43
- escape sequences 45
- string literals and 44
- Unicode Consortium 46
- values for special characters 44
- uppercase 35, 147
- URLs
- conventions used 18
- glossary entry 295
- javascript: 201
- variables
- declaring 35
- in JavaScript 35
- naming 35
- scope of 36
- undefined 35
- var statement 35
- versions of JavaScript 16
- Visual JavaScript 28
- void operator 60
- while loops
- continuation of 87
- termination of 86
- while statement 85
- window object 172
- See also windows
- described 177-178
- methods of 177
- windows
- See also documents
- closing 191
- giving focus to 200
- handles for 260
- naming 190, 197
- navigating among 200
- opening 190
- overview 190
- referring to 197-199
- signed scripts and 219
- taint accumulator 243
- window object 177-178
- with statement 117
- described 89
- wrappers
- for Java objects 249
- for JavaScript objects 272
- writeln method 185
- write method
- using 183
- WWW, glossary entry 295
- XOR (^) operator 52
- zero-fill right shift (>>>) operator 52, 53
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Last Updated: 05/27/99 21:21:51
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